Thursday, March 19, 2009

March return

Whew! Everybody has probably thought I had fallen off the face of the earth! The last 4 1/2 months have been both a blessing and a curse (you try living out of a suitcase for that long!). For those of you that don't know, within the week of returning to Guatemala in January, I was back on a plane to Alabama. My mother had had a reaction to a new medication in that it interferred with her blood thinner. She began bleeding internally and had lost several pints before it was diagnosed. Thankfully, a bullnosed cardiology nurse bullied her into the hospital and saved her life. I want to publicly thank her and friends of my mom who got Mother to the hospital and picked me up at the airport and delivered me there also. And all of you that knew what was going on and prayed for my travel, Johnny's forced batchlerhood and our subsequent "second honeymoon" at the Bass Pro Shop! After several weeks recuperation, Mother is doing well.

We had a great month visiting churches, seeing all our doctors (we're healthy for another year) and attending the missions conference at First Bible Church in Decatur, Alabama. Then we spent a week in Big Sandy, Texas, in training before returning. It was amazing what had been accomplished in the four months I had been gone! The bathrooms are almost finished, just lacking the wall tile and toilets. A road has been cut to the cabins at the top of the mountain (everyone that had to tote brick, sand, gravel and water up the mountain will be happy to see this!) and Johnny's truck makes it up there fine! Check below to see pictures of some of the changes!

Not all of the road is this flat, Johnny did have to use 4WD for one steep part, but this sure beats climbling 500 ft. straight up! Especially if you are carrying a load!

The bathrooms and the tienda at the end of the building. Teams for the summer of 2009 will be working on the second floor of this building, making an office and salon or meeting room.

I forgot to mention the wall built to enclose one of the parking areas. When finished, it will be capped with brick to dress it up.

To God be the Glory!!


Libby Brown said...

That looks awesome! Looks quite different from last summer! It was so great to see you both and spend time with you. Looking forward to seeing you again, which I guess will be in July. I'm bringing my apron and trying to find a few extra brain cells so that I will be sure to put ALL the ingredients in the cookie dough not just part of them! Love ya'll!

Arlene G said...

What progress!!! So glad we had time to visit while you were here. BYW, Tim and Carol sold their house and are buying ours!! We plan to move to our townhouse in about two weeks. We are excited. Take care.Hugs from Kindred Spirits.