Monday, February 09, 2009

Yeah! I'm Back!

OK, let me qualify that...I'm back to blogging, not to Guatemala - yet. Johnny arrived in Sylacauga (find Birmingham, AL, on the map and look right and slightly down) last Wednesday evening. Thursday was spent at the doctor's office with my mom in a follow-up after her hospitalization. Friday, Johnny and I slipped away and had a "second honeymoon". We drove to Prattville, AL, (that's right, Prattville) and had supper at the Bass Pro Shop! Actually, I'm just giving Johnny a ribbing, the Bass Pro Shop has a great restaurant inside with wonderful seafood! We both overate and had a great time! And since my camara stopped working, we went to Circuit City and helped them with their closeout sale. After buying the new camara, Johnny asked to see the old one...and with the push of a couple of buttons, he got it to work again! Shucks, I thought I had him fooled; oh well, the ticket at Circuit City said "all sales final, no returns"...