Saturday, June 05, 2010

Mail Call

We received mail here at the Camp yesterday! Usually our mail comes through Dallas or Las Buenas Nuevas in Panajachel. Except for the power bill, which we can literally find anywhere at the Camp (usually not in the mailbox), we never receive mail here! But yesterday, a mailman rode up on a bicycle with one piece of mail, made me sign for it (it was not registered) and give my passport number to be able to receive it. It was Brad and Lindsey Bridges prayer letter - Brad and Lindsey are some of CAM's newest missionaries in Uruguay. Glad it wasn't junk mail! And it only took 3 years for us to start getting mail that we are leaving...


christina thorin said...

Just catching up on your blog - wow! Fire and rain and mud and more - all within 2 months. At lest there is no oil there (that is not really funny, is it?)More ups and downs than the see-saw! We're glad you and our friends there are all safe, though it sounds as if there could still be repair work and assistance needed when we come in August. I'll work on getting Guatemala sized clothes and shoes into all our luggage. I'm praying for you and for all those we know and love in Guatemala. - Christina

christina thorin said...

I hope I didn't publish my last comment three times. I'm having trouble figuring out how to use the identity part of this blog.